Sunday, May 20, 2007

Atheism!! Now that is what It Is All About!!

I wasn't always an atheist but things have changed over the course of my life and worldly events that have gone wrong had me stop and ponder about things and I have decided that there is no god. I mean come on now! If there was a god, then he would have helped the people on the planes during the September 11th thing as they were praying for their lives and he also would have helped the soldiers in Iraq by not making war happen at all. Where was he during all of those worldly events? i mean seriously. It makes you think doesn't it? I used to be all lovey dovey with the church folk and used to pray and sing hymns and all of that jazz but not anymore, I don't want that anymore because it got me absolutely nowhere. but that is life! That is how things work most of the time. It really is not fair but the world and the universe we all live in has never been fair since day one. the whole thought of a higher being makes me sick and seems very ridiculous to me if not insane. I just wanted to share my feelings real quick. I hope most people that read this do not get offended and feel the same way. Til next time!

1 comment:

daniel w. said...

you should maybe post a blog about your coming out of the closet as an atheist to your parents. other atheists like to share those kind of experiences.