Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Online Relationships? Total Bust!

Online relationships are the epitamy of disaster. As a matter of fact, they have the word "disaster" written all over them in big letters (D.I.S.A.S.T.E.R) It is really insane how you invest your time and effort into typing and writing to the person you grow to care about and enjoy spending your night with from your desk every night, and then they go and tell you straight up that they were playing you the whole time and either their heart belongs to someone else, or they think you're moving too fast, or my personal favorite, "you live too far, it's a distance thing". Well honey, if it's a distance thing, then why did you contact me to begin with even when you already knew where I lived? It only says where I live on my profile for crying out loud. I mean come on! You cannot fool me, I have experience with getting my heart broken, you cannot fool me or trick me because I know every trick in the book. I just find it amazing. Yes some people, (me included) have had online relationships because we both are too impatient to wait for one to come into our lives and we want to make it happen and that we are too self conscious to go out and think someone is going to find us attractive. It is that simple. I'm tired of how women play guys, I really am. They think they have us in their back pocket or around their finger and they think as soon as we compliment them that they're in control. Well this isn't a democracy and it damn well for sure isn't a power trip. I just want it all to stop!! Online, real world whatever, it isn't right and I don't endorse it at all. That's why online relationships, hell, even real life relationships in general are crappy, what a bust!!

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