Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Reality TV! Such A Crap Shoot!!

What is it with reality television nowadays? Is it just me, or do producers of shows make you admire a character so much that you would do anything to keep them around, and then right when you get too attached and think they might win, they get eliminated right away? I wonder how many other people see it this way as well. That is why I think reality television is such a crap shoot, because the producers, hell even the "actors" on the shows themselves mess with your head. I think it is incredibly wrong how you can get so attached to a certain personality on a show and then have the rug get pulled out from underneath you and have you wallow in your self pity once three quarters of the season is over with and your character is no longer on the show. It is such a degrading feeling it really is. Something has got to be done about this. I figure that the only solution there is, is that everyone should stop watching reality television all together. No more voting for contestants on American Idol. No more getting attached to castaways on Survivor or racers on Amazing Race. Some striking has got to be done here. Anyone with me? I hope you all are, because this is a movement that has got to be in effect. Crap shoot, crap shoot, crap shoot is all I have to say.

1 comment:

daniel w. said...

They all suck. The only good reality show is Project Runway and that show has gone downhill.