Monday, May 28, 2007

Material World, I am Not a Material Guy!!

Just like that Madonna song from back in the day, only I'm not a material person at all. I cannot fathom how much it rubs me the wrong way how people honestly think that material items in life are what life is all about. That is a load of horse manure because material items are in the same category as religion and politics in my opinion, which is crap! C.R.A.P. that is what it means to me. Life isn't about democracy, life isn't about praying, and it sure as hell is not about what you wear, what you drive, or how you look. It is about the love in your heart and your family and what you would do for them. It makes me sick when women have to go shop all the time and waste their husband's hard working money on clothes or purses or other things of that sort. I just hope the world gets better I really do. I'm not a material person and I never will be. I choose to live my life like that and I will always be that way no matter what. With that said I feel better now. Til next time!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Coming out of the proverbial "closet"

I just recently came out of the closet and told my parents I was an atheist. For a couple years now I have been a "closet atheist" and I was surging and surging trying to get it out but I could not. I finally did while they were reading my final college essay this past semester. It was talking about my religious beliefs and all that and I was mentioning my problems with the dilemma, and my mom looked at me kind of stunned but I knew she did not really care all that much. I stopped believing in God a long time ago, once I stopped and looked at the world and noticed all the hatred happening. It was really sad to think about and so I just thought to myself that it all does not matter. God is not around and no one is around to help out. We all are responsible for our own actions and if something bad happens it's all on us, not if God wants it like that because he does not exist. I wish people all over the world understood this. My dad told me that atheists mostly believe in only taking care of themselves and not really about the world as a whole and I totally disagreed. You can still care about people and animals and all different creatures and care about their well being but at the same time be atheist, it can still happen. I think atheism is not a bad thing at all and I think it should be exercised more often than not. I hope this has touched people and that they will recognize that we make our own decisions and are in charge of our own destiny, not the other way around.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Atheism!! Now that is what It Is All About!!

I wasn't always an atheist but things have changed over the course of my life and worldly events that have gone wrong had me stop and ponder about things and I have decided that there is no god. I mean come on now! If there was a god, then he would have helped the people on the planes during the September 11th thing as they were praying for their lives and he also would have helped the soldiers in Iraq by not making war happen at all. Where was he during all of those worldly events? i mean seriously. It makes you think doesn't it? I used to be all lovey dovey with the church folk and used to pray and sing hymns and all of that jazz but not anymore, I don't want that anymore because it got me absolutely nowhere. but that is life! That is how things work most of the time. It really is not fair but the world and the universe we all live in has never been fair since day one. the whole thought of a higher being makes me sick and seems very ridiculous to me if not insane. I just wanted to share my feelings real quick. I hope most people that read this do not get offended and feel the same way. Til next time!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Online Relationships? Total Bust!

Online relationships are the epitamy of disaster. As a matter of fact, they have the word "disaster" written all over them in big letters (D.I.S.A.S.T.E.R) It is really insane how you invest your time and effort into typing and writing to the person you grow to care about and enjoy spending your night with from your desk every night, and then they go and tell you straight up that they were playing you the whole time and either their heart belongs to someone else, or they think you're moving too fast, or my personal favorite, "you live too far, it's a distance thing". Well honey, if it's a distance thing, then why did you contact me to begin with even when you already knew where I lived? It only says where I live on my profile for crying out loud. I mean come on! You cannot fool me, I have experience with getting my heart broken, you cannot fool me or trick me because I know every trick in the book. I just find it amazing. Yes some people, (me included) have had online relationships because we both are too impatient to wait for one to come into our lives and we want to make it happen and that we are too self conscious to go out and think someone is going to find us attractive. It is that simple. I'm tired of how women play guys, I really am. They think they have us in their back pocket or around their finger and they think as soon as we compliment them that they're in control. Well this isn't a democracy and it damn well for sure isn't a power trip. I just want it all to stop!! Online, real world whatever, it isn't right and I don't endorse it at all. That's why online relationships, hell, even real life relationships in general are crappy, what a bust!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Poker Players are Very Lazy People!!

Is it just me? Or do professional poker players seem extremely lazy. Does anyone agree with this? I mean you watch them on television, and it seems really easy what they are doing. They make reading people look like it is taking a shower by how easy it is. But in reality that is not the case because it is really hard to get a tell on someone. The thing that bothers me the most is that I hear some of the young poker players actually leave Ivy League schools and drop out to play poker full time. Excuse me!! Did I hear that right? Leaving an Ivy League expensive education to play poker!! Wow! What has the world come to? I mean next thing you know babies will be dropping out of kindergarten thinking that they can become professional Lego builders. I mean come on that's not normal behavior. What has happened to people this day and age, they don't like working anymore or holding down jobs or what? They'd rather gamble and risk losing their money and just sit there and look at people all day? My dad always tells me, "it's a hard profession because every one that succeeds, there is 10,000 that fail" and that is so true. It can't get any truer than that. I'm just amazed by how lazy people can get, dropping out of Princeton and Yale to become a pro gambler. Amazing, just amazing!! Screw being a doctor mother I want to gamble for a living. Doesn't that sound ridiculous?? I don't know, maybe it's just me but I have a problem with it. Does anyone agree with me? Hope at least some do. Tell me what you think. Hard working people are obsolete I guess nowadays, Save us all!!

Reality TV! Such A Crap Shoot!!

What is it with reality television nowadays? Is it just me, or do producers of shows make you admire a character so much that you would do anything to keep them around, and then right when you get too attached and think they might win, they get eliminated right away? I wonder how many other people see it this way as well. That is why I think reality television is such a crap shoot, because the producers, hell even the "actors" on the shows themselves mess with your head. I think it is incredibly wrong how you can get so attached to a certain personality on a show and then have the rug get pulled out from underneath you and have you wallow in your self pity once three quarters of the season is over with and your character is no longer on the show. It is such a degrading feeling it really is. Something has got to be done about this. I figure that the only solution there is, is that everyone should stop watching reality television all together. No more voting for contestants on American Idol. No more getting attached to castaways on Survivor or racers on Amazing Race. Some striking has got to be done here. Anyone with me? I hope you all are, because this is a movement that has got to be in effect. Crap shoot, crap shoot, crap shoot is all I have to say.